Where is your hat? Why are you wearing sneakers?
According to Army Regulation 670-1, all soldiers are expected to wear headgear outdoors, which includes the patrol cap as part of the uniform when not in a deployed or field environment.
In Ukraine’s army, soldiers wear anything they want. Sometimes they even blouse their boots. Luxury EDC load-outs are the most ridiculous at FENIX.
Yesterday Z wore a black pajama top and threw a hissy fit (in English) about the lack of confidentiality between Ukraine and its partners, specifically with Team USA. He cited an article appearing in The New York Times revealing Ukraine’s “totally unfeasible request” for Tomahawk missiles1. The ask was part of Z’s wacko Victory Plan.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung picked up on the story, identifying 1) low morale, 2) lack of ammunition and 3) conscripts (too few) as the main causes for Ukraine’s recent military setbacks. Politicians meddling in military matters is #4.
On Tuesday, the Verkhovna Rada voted to mobilize an additional 160,000 conscripts2.
“Kyiv is on high alert it awaits the possible entry of North Korean forces into Russia’s war against Ukraine as soon as this week,” according to The Financial Times, which almost always gets the story wrong.
In Kharkiv, meanwhile, last night Russia dropped a FAB 500 — a 500-kilogram (1,100 lb) general purpose bomb with a high-explosive warhead — on a 9-storey residential building, injuring dozens and killing several.
Z tweeted about the strike, carping about “delayed decisions” of partners. He said their prognostigation means more Russian bombs will be dropped on Ukraine.
That is why we must stop Russia together — and do so with all possible force.
I agree. To that end, Z should complain less, maybe concentrate less on partners and more on Ukrainians solving Ukraine’s low morale, ammo and conscription problems. And leave the military stuff to people who know what they doing.
With Limited Options, Zelensky Seeks a Path Forward for Ukraine. A muted response to Ukraine’s “victory plan” and steep challenges on the battlefield leave Kyiv searching for a Plan B (The New York Times, October 29, 2024)
Russischer Vormarsch auf die Knotenpunkte (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, October 30, 2024)