The day before yesterday, we proposed a meeting between lawmakers Mariana Bezuhla and Victoria Spartz1.
Minutes, maybe hours, later Ukraine’s Ex-Minister of Economy, Trade and Agriculture Timofiy Mylovanov – who continues to outperform even the sweaty little fuckpigs working for the President’s Office — wrote this:
“Victoria is a lying cynical political animal that is using Ukraine for hype and re-election,” Timofiy Mylovanov said on Facebook on June 12, 2022
The ninth week of running during the ninth year of the war.
On the final flight of stairs this morning, my thoughts turned to Mylovanov, who, to my amazement, says he works for the President’s Office.
The last time I saw Tim in person was last summer before the war. He was loitering on the sidewalk in front of Gulliver Mall astral planing, maybe, I thought, or tripping, or both. Someone punched him in the face later that evening. Tim is Exhibit A for Tiger Team’s assessment of Ukraine’s capacity to absorb billions of dollars worth of assistance.
Tim reminds me of operation y2 and a lousy pizza recipe3.
In other news:

Dan’s photo, which captures an ATN Mars LT 320 in the wild, graced the front pages of The Atlantic, The New York Times, Financial Times, etc this spring.
More about ATN here.
Ongoing Dialogue. Handling Kyiv better than Kabul (July 12, 2022)
operation y. economic sabotage or macroeconomic illiteracy? (January 23, 2020)
Lost Notes. It’s crap. Utter, arbitrary crap. They made it up as they went along (April 15, 2020)