I took advantage of the end of daylight savings time this morning to check exactly how blacked out Kyiv is. Didn’t need Lezynes downtown because the butterlights were so bright. The east (left) bank of the Dnipro was also lit up like a Christmas tree.
Lots of heart points for yesterday’s run.
In other news, Russian officials last week said the reason for invading Ukraine is to fight Satanism. It started out as a de-Nazification/de-militarization campaign in late February1. The announcement came after Russia’s UN rep said that the United States had patented a drone capable of spreading mosquitoes infected with dangerous viruses in Russia-occupied areas of Ukraine
I stumbled on George Byrne’s smuggling escapades in digital archives of Soviet dissidents. Books for children!

Putin’s looney speech at the Valdai Forum stirred up memories of Kirill2, dozens boxes of thin, flat sheet of transparent photographic film that contained grids of small-scale reproductions of printed matter, Boris Weil and summers in St. Petersburg playing around fountains.