Jim, who has been stumbling around the contact line for two months, has announced the end of his tour of duty in Ukraine. Bye, Jim. Thanks for the entertainment. Same goes for Wali, who provided us with wonderful photos of HIMSELF camoflauged in Donbas. We will miss you both.
Dozens of gas-guzzling sedans ferried courageous U.S. diplomats to the second largest American embassy in Europe on May 8, 2022. They’ll be on hand for whatever dog and pony show Ze & Co. have planned for V-day celebrations.
There’s has been lots of speculation about what Putin plans to say in his May 9, 2022 speech. Sorry, not interested. Jill is, tho, and so is Abby.
I tripped over this yesterday.
Last time I checked, March 12 marked Day 17 of Russia’s all-out invasion. The attempt to decapitate Kyiv ended ignominiously by at least March 4, Day 9, maybe earlier.
Insightful Diane Francis1?
I practically never look at the greasy rag anymore, only nipping in now and again to see what press release Padraig has lightly edited, or to chuckle at Vietnam-era refugee and onetime welfare recipient Diane Francis foaming about someone else’s conspiracy theory. Stay Out of Doorways! Tactical Athletics at Tootsie’s (January 12, 2022)