It took until Day 94 (Day 20, Phase 3) of fascist Russia’s genocidal campaign against Ukraine before David spilled the beans.
Unfortunately for Ukraine, Andriy Taran was defense minister at the time and Tony had a tough time convincing Ze to take Tiger Team seriously. Top Ukrainian officials, including the president, in November, December and January played down the threat of a Russian invasion publicly, even after William visited Kyiv to warn them in person that it was inevitable and likely imminent1.
Which reminds me of this act of Ukrainian diplomatic finesse earlier this month:
Maybe it’s time for Ukraine’s leaders to get their collective act together before Trump’s MAGA crew returns to Washington after midterm elections.
Ukraine’s dependence on American benevolence could quickly become a liability after Uncle Joe becomes a lame duck. The risk of a Putin bootlicking а pro-Trump Republican Congress should not be underestimated.
Stay Out of Doorways. Tactical Athletics at Tootsies (January 12, 2022)