The subtitle of today’s post is what Hamas, the al-Qassam Brigades and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad called their rocket operation from Gaza during 20121.
Back then, JN1 issued alerts, dozens and dozens of them, in French, German, English, Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, Arabic on the occasion of each launch, along with the Israeli Defense Forces, which also developed an app to keep track. Some of the longer reports almost look professional, in retrospect. The mystery of why no one has purged Sivan from Internet is one I have no interest in solving.
Fast forward ten years. We again see Richard, prone on the sidewalk, probably wearing the same helmet. Since his last trip to Sderot, he has visited Kyiv, maybe changed his underwear and hugged Z several times.
Anne over @theatlantic laments the breakdown of our “rules-based world order.2”
I am sympathetic, but weary. Chronic remorse, as all the moralists are agreed, is a most undesirable sentiment. The last public talks between Israelis and Palestinians, er, ended in 2014. That’s the year Putin waltzed into eastern Ukraine. Foreign jornos mistook the invasion for a grassroots insurrection.
Team USA should be hunting down and immobilizing the leaders of states (Russia) or quasi states (Hamas) who target civilians3.
If the terrorists win, future history books will describe much of what’s happening in Ukraine and Israel as examples of revolutionary struggle — the promise Putin and Ismail Haniyeh have made to their followers.
We’ll end today’s post with a poem c/o @davidhazony:
People who defend this
People who equivocate
People who "both-sides" it
People who stay silent
People who look for nuance
People who squirm & spin & suffocate truth
People who call it resistance
People who "understand" it
People who use the word "but"
All of you are complicit.
Israeli operation in Gaza Strip (Wikipedia)
There Are No Rules. States and quasi-states are using extreme, uninhibited violence against civilian populations (The Atlantic, October 9, 2023)
The five pillars of CQB are (1) gaining access (2) making entry (3) securing the space (4) moving to adjoining spaces and (5) command/control of the team and the subsequent actions.
i know Shapiro ain't your cup of tea, and I confess an affinity to Mr. Shapiro for his intellect and most of his political stances. However, we Americans better fucking get our act together by ceasing our self-flagellation over less serious issues and take back our role as the leader or the free world--Good can beat evil unless it is too busy shitting all over itself. Love the poem...