
i know Shapiro ain't your cup of tea, and I confess an affinity to Mr. Shapiro for his intellect and most of his political stances. However, we Americans better fucking get our act together by ceasing our self-flagellation over less serious issues and take back our role as the leader or the free world--Good can beat evil unless it is too busy shitting all over itself. Love the poem...

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hi, mark. yeah, ben and i don't get along. last time i checked, he believed in a supernatural dictator and was on the gs-bashing bandwagon. when uncle joe visited kyiv in february, ben said the air raid was staged. ben and i would probably agree that attacks on noncombatants and self-defense against them aren’t the same thing, and that, yes, it’s possible to condemn terrorism and injustice at the same time, altho he has consistently failed to do so (re bibi and the religious extremists who kidnapped israel). as for team usa, dunno. i am constantly amazed. the last couple of daze i tuned in to c-span call-in shows about the house speaker fiasco, hamas attacks, ukraine assistance package, etc. ouch. get out of there while u still can. not sure the situation can be rectified in our lifetimes

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