What is wrong with the editors at The Washington Post?

We all remember remember William M. Arkin — the former U.S. intelligence analyst assigned to the West Berlin HQ command — who informed us *under 100 CIA agents* were managing the war in Ukraine for Team USA1.
The job of a U.S. intelligence analyst at the West Berlin HQ during the late 1970s was boring as fuck. As I recall, HQ was located at the Clay Compound across from the cemetery. It was about a 30-minute walk from Andrews Kaserne. Military intelligence, per se, was in short supply there during Bill’s tour. Just ask anyone who worked on the Hill. He probably lived in the barracks, didn’t have German girlfriends and avoided smoking hash with anyone from USM-5 or Det-A2.
This time around, the blabbers are Greg and Isabelle, who have been blabbing with people blabbing about the SBU’s imaginary 5th Directorate. Maybe the same blabbers who blabbed to Bill?
I stopped reading the almost 4,000-word exclusive after the 5th paragraph.
Russia did more than just “foment a separatist war” in eastern Ukraine. Russia invented it. That the editors of The Washington Post didn’t know the difference then and Greg and Isabelle don’t know the difference now is disqualifying.
Looking on the bright side, business is booming at Tootsie Club.
On any given day, from zero (0) to one hundred (100)
Day 510ish. Initial denial authority (July 23, 2023)