Cher robber baron, you see, we understand that business is about living 18 months in the future, of drawing conclusions about macroeconomic policies that don’t exist.
On June 20, 2020, during the Rendevous program aired by TV Channel 5, former Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk said the release of a recorded conversation about macroeconomic policy was a manipulation, a “special operation,” conducted to sow discord among members of Z!Team. Honcharuk said a member of parliament, Oleksandr Dubinsky, and his colleagues were behind the stunt, which led to Honcharuk’s dismissal and a shakeup of government1.
Yeah, well almost three years later, Ukraine’s State Security Service has figured out that Dubinsky is a Russian agent, nom de guerre Buratino (Pinocchio). Kyiv’s Pechersky District Court remanded the MP, who denies any wrongdoing, to pre-trial custody for 60 days (until January 12) on suspicion of treason.
One down, a zillion more to go. Dubinsky’s assistant coughs up details about the op in the 6-minute video below.
Operation Y is not mentioned in the confession, although it was among the outrageous provocations contracted by the Kremlin2 involving Dubinsky and the ouster of National Bank of Ukraine Governor Yakiv Smolii. Z replaced Smolii with Kyrylo Shevchenko, also a pro-Russia incel. But that’s another story, one that I wrote about at the time because Ukraine’s macroeconomic policy is near and dear to my heart.
Oh, and Roman Chervinsky34. He’s still in jail.
A Delicate Issue. Exchange rate hijinx (July 20, 2020)
operation y. economic sabotage or financial illiteracy? (January 27, 2020)