This vision of the future front line in eastern Ukraine is a great excuse for cancelling your vacation in Kramatorsk this year.
Grand Old Party leaders could care less; they have been preoccupied for months with inventing dangerous memes to scare Americans about the southern border and the pre-wrath Rapture,an eschatological position held by Speaker Mike and his evangelical friends, consisting of an end-time event when all dead people will be resurrected and, joined with Christian nationalists who are still alive, will rise "in the clouds to meet the lord in the air."
It is gratifying that Professor Timothy is outraged and invokes the apocalypse, but we already have moved on, lately to mismanagement of donations and the inadequacy of Z in almost all of his endeavours. The fried eggs and wine diet has not worked out for him.
WAPO flaks write openly (finally) about the pickle Ukraine’s narcissit leader he has put himself in1.
CNN chimes in.
It is difficult to be pessimistic on a sunny spring day after surviving the tenth winter of the war. Inadequate planning has been a feature — not a bug — of official Ukraine since, er, 1991.
If I could’ve told your gov anything in 2014, never trust the US. Look at others who did, look at Afghanistan…hell, look at Dems, 2014 Obama & supporters shrugged, Reagan republicans wanted arms sent. Now maga insanity to Biden (or whoever is in charge here) cowardice. Always sending type of arms jets etc requested yrs too late. Biden never wants to anger Russia too much, as if they will nuke us, utter bs. I still believe in 🇺🇦!!!! You will & must win. You’re the most innovative country I’ve ever seen at war. I do know the costs of this too, real human blood is on all the politicians hands. EU too, words not followed by munitions promised. All act like this war just began. 10 yrs to ramp up war production.
hi, maura. not a fan of biden. i can't think of any politician i like