Bad Boy has a flat rear tire, so interval training.
Putin has set in motion the liquidation of the Russian empire as a military force. You are that motion, so don’t stiffen up.
Regular running at a heart rate that is 70 to 85 percent of your maximum and hitting mini goals — 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc miles. Finishing strong releases lots of anandmide molecules, producing a runner’s high. Slutty playlists, in the gender-neutral sense, amplify that pleasure, which is accompanied by physiological changes in the autonomous nervous system1.
Which brings me the the map of foward lines of own troops (FLOTs).

Our FLOTS have been constantly moving in the wrong direction for the last, er, year. Study yours in the remaining days before we switch from elastic defense to asymmetric hellraising, which could last until the ground freezes over again.
Our mission this summer remains straightforward: atomize Russia-occupation forces located in the pink-shaded blobs. Today’s Russian KIA tally is 1,230. That’s the equivalent of a couple of battalions worth of fertilizer.
Increasinging unpopular Z is back in Kyiv delivering pep talks. They make me sick, but I force myself to listen. The president winds up this one saying that Ukraine has acquired “it’s own strong agency.” His speechwriters trotted out the exact same bullshit after Ukraine convened the first Crimea Platform in 20212.
And, finally, the EU is in the process of creating an Audit Board to prevent Ukraine Facility funds from being embezzled.
"The Audit Board shall assist the Commission in assessing the effectiveness of Ukraine’s management and control systems regarding the funds provided under the Facility and in fighting mismanagement of Union funding under the Ukraine Facility and, in particular fraud, corruption, conflicts of interest and irregularities," the European Commission said in the report dated June 12 that was published on Monday.
“Audit Board members shall be citizens of the Union, with a proven track record in the areas of audit, monitoring and control, and/or fighting fraud, corruption, conflicts of interest and irregularities ideally acquired in a senior position in EU institutions or Member States public authority. The Audit Board members shall be appointed as special advisers of the Commission … for a term of 2 years," the report says.
Ukraine Facility is an instrument that provides for the possibility of Ukraine receiving in 2024-2027 EU financial and technical assistance totaling EUR 50 billion. Of this, EUR 38.27 billion will be allocated for budgetary support, EUR 6.97 billion for the investment fund, and EUR 4.76 billion for technical and administrative support.
Unlike running, ibogamine (Ibogaine, Iboga) is no pleasure party. It’s a monoterpenoid indole alkaloid isolated from the Tabernaemontana flowering plant genus. Iboga is a powerful hallucinogenic used for millennia by people during vision-inducing ceremonies in Gabon’s forests. Side effects can include seizures, paralysis, cardiac arrest and death. You should not run for at least 24 hours after drinking 50 grams of Iboga juice. Better to relax, paint your face, listen to slutty playlists and look into the mirror.
Setting the plate clear. Subjectivizing Ukraine (September 21, 2021)
Why are you so down on Z? Please explain what he is doing wrong and what you think he should be doing.