Time to stop moaning and think about how you are going to hold off Putin. You will have the Swedes, the Finns, the Baltics, Poland, the Dutch and the UK with you. The US, France and Germany are going to flake as they veer to the right. South Korea can turn into one of your strongest allies if you play that card right - why isn't Yoon Suk Yeol in Kviv (do you even know who he is?) being feted with the red carpet treatment by Z? What the F does he hope to gain by inviting Orban? Appeasement never works. How about all those Ukrainians that fled Ukraine when the invasion proper kicked off? Don't you think it's time they stopped hiding and came back to fight. Putin is waging total war against the Ukrainian people and last time I checked women from Ukraine count as Ukrainian. You only survive if you fight, you only win if you fight. Stop whining or I'll stop donating.

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Jul 3Edited

hi, vaughan. there is no subsitute for us military support. ukraine's foreign affairs establishment in asia (and in europe) is a mess. z's administration has turned down numerous requests to establish working ties with taiwanese decision-makers out of fear of irritating china. most ukrainians (six million?) who fled in feb 2022 were women and children. many don't feel safe coming back now. they are not hiding, at least not in poland and in germany. they're working. some 60,000 women in zsu last time i checked. attached the pew survey in today's post. the 35-country mean is 46:40!

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Damn, there has to be a substitute for US military support or that's it for Ukraine. Welcome to your Belorussian life. I will keep donating until Ukraine stops fighting, I was just being angsty. However, it does bring up the problem of being dependent on donors. As an artist of ours once wrote in a song, 'I don't mind taking charity from those that I despise'. Having to be the eternal beam of optimism when your cities are being pummelled day in, day out, your people and soldiers are dying and your wives and children are away is cruel. Dealing with the likes of Trump is going to be cruel. Dealing with Putin is going to be fatal. Sometimes I wonder why I am disgusted and enraged by Russia and its war against Ukraine but nobody else here seems to be. I'm sure my local member of parliament thinks I'm a nut, as I keep badgering him about what he is doing about Ukraine. The Jew-haters (which turns out to be an alarming number of Australians living amongst us that we had no idea about) seem to have unbounded energy to protest and scream about Israel, but Russia? Not a peep. That sound you hear is crickets.

I did see a piece of good news, apparently an Australian company EOS is sending anti-drone weapons, a Bushmaster 25mm cannon linked to a precise radar system, to Ukraine. Provides an umbrella of cover for exposed troops. It can actually blow the shit out of anything you tell it to - golf carts, motorbikes, individual Russians. It can track a target smaller than a tennis ball. Even better, it has an auto function so you can pretty much set and forget. Hope it helps. Hang in there.

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This time I am insulted. You have become yet another victim of the current regime’s Goebbels strategy. Look to the repressives with Joe closely. Then tell me exactly who is Hitler. There are so many these days, right? So many lies.

How dare you twist your despair to judge viciously & ignorantly?

I’ll never get an apology but Mister, you owe many of us exactly that. 😤😤😤

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Jul 2Edited

hi, maura. i'm less concerned w/ uncle joe than with those little fascists running usa's red states. i was tempted to say something nasty about kentucky but didn't want to sound too over the top

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I love you brother Peter... despite you blind spots, TDS perhaps and northeast snobbery---there's a reason or two that folks are fleeing California (so fucking beautiful and ruined by the left), NJ, Illinois, and NY State.... and its more than taxes and great weather. Generally, the pendulum policies of a guy who said he was going to unit us swung too far left which the red states are rejecting and blue states reconsidering too late! Hence the shift in voters (minorities and independents) to a bad binary choice-Trump. Come to Florida and see the balanced budgets, the bonuses being paid to teachers, and policeman....just not during Aug to Oct. hurricanes and hot as hell.....yeah yeah Climate change questions I direct to Bjorn Lomberg. :) love ya man!

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