Without a balls to walls commitment from the West _read Biden administration-then even plan A is tough. The corpse talked tough in his last speech at the **feckless UN--but in the background he's withholding weapons and impeding on how the Ukraine and Israel should conduct "their wars". By the way, don't fuck with the Mossad--that pager blow up operation was brilliant on many fronts. Frankly, Biden and feel good, joyful, vibing Harris's actions and policies have me making a beeline to vote for (gulp, vomit) for the orange man.

* was in NYC this week with the UN... speaking to doormen at the hotel while waiting for a taxi... Their comments... "they should have the meeting upstate NY" the UN does nothing for peace, ever and the ambassador from quatar and the congo are staying here and all they do is shop on madison and 5th avenue" suggestion listen less to pundits and more to the man who is just trying to make a living

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Sep 26Edited

hi, mark. uncle joe will announce whatever today. i'm also not a big fan of the un. i don't know if team usa is withholding weapons, per se. us generals don't want to give ukraine access to too much hi-tech targetting stuff because russia has penetrated ukraine's military down to the battalion level. platoons of cia agents wearing sneakers are on the ground trying to figure out what to trust us with. meanwhile, z & co are busy campaigning for kamala in scranton

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