Today during my early morning constitutional I almost was clipped by a runaway Iranian drone.
I cut the video in order to prevent the enemy from triangulating its fight path and irritating the SBU State Security Service. With Shahed drones it’s important not to get caught in the cross-fire of anti-aircraft guns. Turn up the volume in the clip and you will understand.
I’ve almost been blown to smithereens in Kyiv by projectiles packing high explosives several times. The first were encounters with Kh-101 cruise missiles in 20221.
Two articles appearing in the foreign press which irritated me.
Nut graph of the first:
Nut graph of the second:
Yesterday’s post chronicles the conscription problem and who caused it2. It’s not rocket science. Z will be pissed at NYT flaks for the KIA estimate. The WAPO article is one more example stupidity. Maybe shut down both bureaus and start over. Fire everyone except for the photographers.
and the cartoonists.
Z and Tiger Team deserve each other; shame Ukraine must rely on both