Olaf mumbled in an exclusive CBS interview on June 30 that Putin prepared for a long war in Ukraine and that it won’t end soon.
This is not a war of attrition western media say it is12. Putin is at war with the collective West. Russia’s genocidal campaign in Ukraine is a means to an end. Rinse, repeat. The goal of the exercise is not to devour undigestible Ukrainian territory, but to rise in the world pecking order by asserting dominance over Europe’s wishy washy leaders, including Olaf, who continues to pretend he’s not on the menu.
Think about cooking a roast. Pretend Ukraine is the oven. You take the roast out of the fridge and let it stand at room temperature at least a half hour before starting. Immediately before browning, you wrap it up in paper towels (night night roast) until the surface is dry.
The chef got the oven going at gas mark 6 (fairly hot) early on February 24, 2022.
I suppose the browning could have been done in some soulless, flavourless polyunsaturated oil, but Moscow suspended any lingering Nineties cholesterol paranoia and went all DIY. They got some god damned pork lard — a chunk of fat — and proxies for slaughter and rendering themselves.
Recall what we were eating on February 19, 20223:
It now dawns on me the whole reason for typing out these longish quasi-recipes is to strut about the conclusion we came to on Day 114. Switch out NATO for collective West or Open Society or global liberalism and it’s the same.
Ukraine’s War of Attrition Exacts Heavy Toll on Both Sides. WSJ (June 29, 2022)
Ukraine is fighting a grim war of attrition. Guardian (June 19, 2022)
On the Roasting of Chicken. Stay-behind sabotage (February 19, 2022)