Google search spits out more than 10 million links for a search of “зеленский вторая волна” (zelensky second wave). Ukraine’s president has given a false sense of how the the Covid-19 pandemic is actually developing in his country.
The Covid-19 incidence pattern in Ukraine shows clearly the first wave continuing to rise with little or no interruption. This is particularly common in the world’s poorer countries with inefficient and corrupt health systems.
Months of Zelensky blabbing about a “second wave” has been at best misleading and at worst diminishes the brutally unrelenting rise of the infection rate, which conforms unequivocally to the global infection rate: it rose fast, stabilized somewhat in late April and early May, before shooting up in July, August, September and October.

Recall what Zelensky said on January 31, 2020 about the pandemic.

The positive dynamics of morbidity in over the last seven months have been driven by pathological bad thinking, whacko algorithms, formulations of set theory without variables, kooky mitigation models for flattening the curve, magical epidemic fantasies, irredeemable health officials, pandemic politics and false assumptions promulgated by poorly calibrated agents with bad ideas who abandoned the precautionary principle.
The result isn't unlike a horrible accident, except it’s been caused by an unemployed actor desperate for attention and applause. You want to laugh and be entertained, but you also want to avoid becoming a victim.