President Volodymyr Zelensky is finding it enormously difficult to draw a distinction between Ukraine’s objective situation and the way he feels about it. No one is quite sure what to do about the problem. Disgraced former Yanukovych-era hacks cum metrosexuals Serhiy Tihipko and Valeriy Khoroshkovsky have been giving the head of state lots of advice, but they probably just exacerbated an already untenable situation that spun out of control months ago.
More than a year after being elected, Zelensky today is alone, tired and frightened.

This is as it should be, because Zelensky has fucked up completely.
In Ukraine the positive dynamics of morbidity over the last 90 days have been driven by pathological bad thinking, whacko algorithms, formulations of set theory without variables, kooky mitigation models for flattening the curve, magical epidemic thinking, irredeemable health officials, pandemic politics and false assumptions promulgated by poorly calibrated agents with bad ideas who abandoned the precautionary principle.
The result isn't unlike a horrible accident, except it’s been caused by an unemployed actor desperate for attention and applause. You want to laugh and be entertained, but you also want to avoid becoming a victim.
Much has been written about Zelensky’s whacko mission to put his predecessor Petro Poroshenko in jail for make-believe crimes. Bohdan for Censor.net below sums up the failed attempts succinctly.
Even Zelensky’s former teammates are breaking ranks. For example, ex-Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk the other day said the president is different now, compared to when they worked together.

Which makes us wonder whether Honcharuk is an ignorant fool or a corrupt liar.
There is no theory of epistemology that prioritizes “truth over facts” in ultra-competitive Ukraine-style politics, unless we get metaphysical, eat a bunch of mushrooms and contemplate reverse epistocracy and doublespeak incoheretism, so I’ll be brief.
The first year of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s presidency is best described as cataplectic.
In a nutshell:
Bootlickery. Zelensky agreed in September 2019 to go to a mic and announce investigations into Burisma/Biden at the behest of U.S. President Donald Trump, who was later impeached for blackmailing an ally.
Russia’s invasion. Ukraine has made zero (0) progress to end Russia’s occupation of Crimea and parts of eastern Ukraine. Zelensky’s magical presidential campaign promise to end the war was just that.
The economy. cf. Operation Y (leading to Honcharuk’s sacking)
Reforms. What reforms? Putting the Truba tapes in context
Civil liberties. None left. cf. Thug Life
COVID-19 response*. Deadly sins of stupidity, greed and inaction.
COVID-19 response*
Recall what Zelensky said on January 31 about the pandemic.